Saturday, July 25, 2020

5 Interview Questions Every Leader Should Ask - Workology

5 Interview Questions Every Leader Should Ask - Workology 5 Interview Questions Every Leader Should Ask The best candidates have qualifications that are more than skills-deep. Discovering these qualities in the interview process is difficult. But moving past impression and into reality is crucial to hiring the right peopleâ€"that is, people that not only have the skills, knowledge, and experience to do the job, but also the abstract qualities that will allow them to succeed in the culture of your organization. In an interesting way, the interview process has a lot in common with well-known dating apps. Recruiters are our Tinder. They swipe left on candidates that are not compatible at a surface level, those that lack the skills, knowledge, or experience we are looking for. There are those the recruiters swipe right on, though. These are the candidates that appear to meet the job requirements and have potential to be a strong candidate. Swipe right, but know there is still significant work to do to find your perfect match. After the recruiter swipes right, the candidate is moved into a smaller pool of potential suitors, but we still have a lot of filtering to do. Obviously, not everyone we swipe right on will be a match. But, maybe within that smaller pool there is the person that not only meets the general requirements, but also has that certain je ne sais quoi we are looking for. Because our culture is a reflection of what we value, we believe if we look for these values in our candidates, and hire those who display these values, then those we bring onto the team will be more likely to flourish within our organization. Of course, discovering these things requires filtering through first impressions and candidates putting their best foot forward. At Kabbage, we have created a series of questions, asked in our final panel interview, to do just that. 5 Interview Questions Every Leader Should Ask Here are five of the questions we ask to help us understand how candidates think about themselves, how they think about others, and the way they generally think through problems. 1. What are three negative personal qualities that someone close to you would say you possess? This question tells us a lot about self-awareness and feeds into our core value of transparency. We are looking for candidates that not only understand what their true negatives are, but also those that are willing to admit them. There are a number of unacceptable answers here. We don’t allow answers like, “I’m a perfectionist” or “workaholic” or other positives-disguised-as-negatives. When we get answers like that, we buzz the candidate (with actual buzzers) and ask them to try again. There have also been occasions where we’ve had them “phone a friend”. If they are unable to come up with 3 negatives on their own, their spouse or mother is usually a  helpful source of information! 2. We ask them to add two fractions. For example, we might ask, “What is ¾ plus ½?” This question elicits some of the best responses. What we are looking for is insight into how they handle an unexpected question/situation. This isn’t really about math skills; we are fine with them grabbing their phone to use the calculator or to google the answer. At Kabbage, our days are rarely predictable. We are looking to see how they handle the curve ball. Do they panic? Blurt out a lot of wrong answers? Do they freeze and get stuck? Do they give up? One of our core values is innovation; we need to know people we hire are resourceful, capable of thinking outside of the box, and quick on their feet.   3. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the absolute best in the world at your role, where would you rate yourself? And what separates you from being a 10? Like the first question, this also tells us about a candidate’s self-awareness. This also leads to discussions about growth, ambition, and whether they aspire to be the best. As one of our core values is winning, how a candidate answers this question is extremely important to us. While they might not rate themselves as 10s across the board (there’s nothing wrong with humble confidence), we want to know why and what they are doing to get there. 4. Finish this sentence for me: Most people I meet are _______. One of our core values is caring deeply, so it is important we understand how a potential new team member views others. The only answer that is off limits is “interesting”; because it really doesn’t tell us anything. And we’ve found that it might also be a code for something negative in disguise. We want to understand how candidates think about and value other people and an answer like this is just too vague and open for interpretation.   5. Give me the first name of someone with whom you work very closely? This, too, ties into caring deeply. If a candidate answers this question quickly and is able to answer several of the follow up questions, we can glean that they are good at building relationships at work. It also helps us to understand whether this person will be committed to the Kabbage community. We want to hire people who will take ownership, not only of the products we create and offer, but also the environment and culture in which we work. Bottom Line Its Not Just About Qualifications Interviewing to discover who will succeed in your organization is a crucial component to hiring well. Many will have the skills and qualifications you are looking for, but only a few will be the right fit. We are looking for the right person for the job within the context of our organization’s culture. You can discover a good fit in the interview process if you focus on your values, develop specific questions to uncover a potential new hire’s values, and assess the ways in which you align.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Continuing Education Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Proceeding with Education Resume Template â€" 2018's Top Format Proceeding with Education Resume Template - 2018's Top Format Make ResumeLuis Snyder100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019| H: (555) 322-7337 | C: (555) 322-7337 model email@example.comSummaryProfessional instructor with a broad foundation in grown-up formative examinations. Makes a durable learning condition to encourage understudy achievement. Master educator who utilizes imaginative methods and eagerness to draw in students.HighlightsUnderstands different learning stylesClassroom managementCorporate TrainerStaff preparing and developmentStaffing the executives abilityProven persistence and self-disciplineMotivation strategies specialistCritical thinking proficiencyExperienceOnline Adjunct Faculty Oct 2008 to Current Ashford University Online Clinton, IADevelops and shows online courses in World Civilization and Modern Europe.Initiated provocative study hall conversations to assist understudies with building up their basic reasoning abilities.Challenged and propelled understudies through inside and out talks and discussions.Lectured and discus sed adequately with understudies from assorted backgrounds.Emphasized the significance of scholarly trustworthiness with understudies and taught them on appropriate reference of examination sources.Education and Quality Specialist Aug 2001 to Current Vitas Innovative Hospice Lombard, ILProvide month to month instructive and preparing for 350 workers nationally.Designed, keep up, and direct national preparing processCreate and produce dynamic instructional preparing webinarsAssists in the development and sending of organization standard working and quality administration proceduresFunction as drove bolster staff for managerial mechanical help and business analyticsSales and Account Representative Jul 2000 to Aug 2001 C.H. Robinson Burr Ridge, ILMonitored economic situations, item advancements and contender movement, and balanced record deals way to deal with address most recent market developments.Delivered extraordinary record administration to fortify client loyalty.Negotiated subt leties of agreements and installments and arranged deals and request forms.EducationMasters Of Arts, American History May 2008 Loyola University Chicago, IL3.233 GPACoursework in Native American StudiesMinor in Early Modern EnglandBachelor of Science, History May 2000 Illinois State University Normal, IL3.5 GPACoursework in American HistoryTeacher Assistant-World ReligionsCustomize ResumeMore Education and Training Resume TemplatesEntry Level Adult Literacy Resume Templates

Friday, July 10, 2020

When the line between machine and artist becomes blurred

At the point when the line among machine and craftsman gets obscured At the point when the line among machine and craftsman gets obscured With AI getting consolidated into more parts of our day by day lives, from writing to driving, it's just normal that craftsmen would likewise begin to explore different avenues regarding counterfeit intelligence.In actuality, Christie's will sell its first bit of AI workmanship not long from now â€" an obscured face named Representation of Edmond Belamy.The piece being sold at Christie's is a piece of another rush of AI craftsmanship made by means of AI. Paris-based craftsmen Hugo Caselles-Dupré, Pierre Fautrel and Gauthier Vernier took care of thousands of pictures into a calculation, educating it the feel of past instances of likeness. The calculation at that point made Representation of Edmond Belamy.The painting is not the result of a human brain, Christie's prominent in its see. It was made by man-made consciousness, a calculation characterized by [an] logarithmic formula.If man-made reasoning is utilized to make pictures, can the last item truly be thought of as workmanship? O ught to there be a limit of impact over the last item that a craftsman needs to wield?As the chief of the Art AI Lab at Rutgers University, I've been grappling with these inquiries â€" explicitly, where the craftsman ought to surrender credit to the machine.The machines take on workmanship classOver the most recent 50 years, a few craftsmen have composed PC projects to create craftsmanship â€" what I call algorithmic workmanship. It requires the craftsman to compose definite code with a real visual result in mind.One of the soonest experts of this structure is Harold Cohen, who composed the program AARON to deliver drawings that kept a lot of rules Cohen had created.But the AI workmanship that has developed over the recent years joins AI technology.Artists make calculations not to adhere to a lot of rules, yet to learn a particular tasteful by dissecting a large number of pictures. The calculation at that point attempts to create new pictures in adherence to the feel it has learned. To start, the craftsman picks an assortment of pictures to take care of the calculation, a stage I call pre-curation.For the reason for this model, suppose the craftsman picks conventional representations from the previous 500 years.Most of the AI works of art that have risen in the course of recent years have utilized a class of calculations called generative antagonistic systems. First presented by PC researcher Ian Goodfellow in 2014, these calculations are classified ill-disposed on the grounds that there are different sides to them: One produces arbitrary pictures; different has been educated, by means of the info, how to pass judgment on these pictures and regard which best line up with the input.So the pictures from the previous 500 years are taken care of into a generative AI calculation that attempts to impersonate these data sources. The calculations at that point return with a scope of yield pictures, and the craftsman must filter through them and select those the person wishes to utilize, a stage I call post-curation.So there is a component of innovativeness: The craftsman is associated with pre-and post-curation. The craftsman may likewise change the calculation varying to produce the ideal outputs.When making AI workmanship, the craftsman's hand is associated with the determination of info pictures, tweaking the calculation and afterward looking over those that have been created. Ahmed Elgammal, Author providedSerendipity or malfunction?The generative calculation can deliver pictures that shock even the craftsman directing the process.For model, a generative antagonistic system being taken care of representations could wind up creating a progression of distorted faces.What should we make of this?Psychologist Daniel E. Berlyne has examined the brain research of feel for a very long while. He found that curiosity, shock, unpredictability, uncertainty and erraticism will in general be the most remarkable improvements in works of art.When took care o f pictures from the most recent five centuries, an AI generative model can let out twisted appearances. Ahmed Elgammal, Author providedThe produced representations from the generative ill-disposed system â€" with the entirety of the twisted appearances â€" are positively novel, astounding and bizarre.They additionally bring out British metaphorical painter Francis Bacon's renowned distorted pictures, for example, Three Studies for a Portrait of Henrietta Moraes.'Three Studies for the Portrait of Henrietta Moraes,' Francis Bacon, 1963. MoMABut there's something missing in the twisted, machine-made faces: intent.While it was Bacon's purpose to make his appearances distorted, the disfigured faces we find in the case of AI workmanship aren't really the objective of the craftsman nor the machine. What we are taking a gander at are occasions in which the machine has neglected to appropriately impersonate a human face, and has rather let out some astounding deformities.Yet this is actually the kind of picture that Christie's is auctioning.A type of theoretical artDoes this result truly demonstrate an absence of intent?I would contend that the purpose lies all the while, regardless of whether it doesn't show up in the last image.For model, to make The Fall of the House of Usher, craftsman Anna Ridler took stills from a 1929 film variant of the Edgar Allen Poe short story The Fall of the House of Usher. She made ink drawings from the still edges and took care of them into a generative model, which created a progression of new pictures that she at that point orchestrated into a short film.Another model is Mario Klingemann's The Butcher's Son, a bare representation that was produced by taking care of the calculation pictures of stick figures and pictures of pornography.On the left: A still from 'The Fall of the House of Usher' by Anna Ridler. On the right: 'The Butcher's Son' by Mario Klingemann.I utilize these two guides to show how craftsmen can truly play with these A I devices in any number of ways. While the last pictures may have astonished the specialists, they didn't appear suddenly: There was a procedure behind them, and there was unquestionably a component of intent.Nonetheless, many are distrustful of AI workmanship. Pulitzer Prize-winning workmanship pundit Jerry Saltz has said he finds the craftsmanship created by AI craftsman exhausting and dull, including The Butcher's Son.Perhaps they're right at times. In the distorted representations, for instance, you could contend that the subsequent pictures aren't too intriguing: They're extremely just impersonations â€" with a curve â€" of pre-curated inputs.But it's not just about the last picture. It's about the innovative procedure â€" one that includes a craftsman and a machine teaming up to investigate new visual structures in progressive ways.For this explanation, I have presumably this is theoretical workmanship, a structure that goes back to the 1960s, wherein the thought behind the wo rk and the procedure is a higher priority than the outcome.As for The Butcher's Son, one of the pieces Saltz mocked as boring?It as of late won the Lumen Prize, a prize devoted for craftsmanship made with technology.As much as certain pundits would censure the pattern, it appears that AI craftsmanship is here to stay.Ahmed Elgammal, Professor of Computer Vision, Rutgers UniversityThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons permit. Peruse the first article.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Jobs for morning people

Jobs for morning people by rosiereed Are you often awake at the break of dawn, twiddling your thumbs and waiting for work to start?If you’re an early bird and find your concentration levels peak in the morning hours, finding a role that suits your body clock could be the best way to make the most of your skills. We’ve already covered five of the best night jobs, but, here are six jobs for morning people that may suit your routine more than the standard 9-to-5 grind:Baker What they do: Bakers make bread, pastries, cakes and other baked goods. Whether they’re working at a plant bakery using machinery and production lines to manufacture large amounts of baked goods, or at a craft bakery, making smaller amounts by hand, they’re guaranteed to be starting work at the crack of dawn. What you need: You  don’t need any formal qualifications to become a Baker, but some employers may prefer candidates with a basic level of education and a GCSE or higher in food tech could also be an advantage. In or der to stand out from the crowd, you can improve your knowledge and boost your skills by gaining a qualification in baking, such as a Baking Diploma or Introduction to Baking certification.What you can earn: Starting salaries are around £15,000 but could rise to £20,000 with more experience.Perfect for: People who love bread (and pies, pastries, muffins, cakes, croissants…)Our advice: If you hope to become a professional baker it is important to acquire relevant experience. One option is to participate in an apprenticeship program to learn the best practices for measuring, preparing, food safety, as well as how to operate machinery under professional supervision. While a degree isn’t necessary, apprenticeship programs can often result in an associate degree or certificate. View all Baker jobsHow to become a Baker BaristaWhat they do: Great baristas are essential to the success of cafes and coffee shops, from small independent organisations to worldwide coffee chains. They grin d, brew and blend coffee, tea and other beverages to serve to customers. The morning shift gets you Baristas up early enough to give everyone their first coffee fix of the day.  What you need: There are no set entry requirements to become a Barista, and employers will usually place most precedence on personality and a passion for coffee. However, coffee barista training and bartender courses will be beneficial, along with a good standard of Maths and English. Experience working in a similar environment could also help you stand out.What you can earn: Your salary will depend on where you choose to work but will be between £12,000 and £18,000.Perfect for: People who don’t mind standing for long periods of time. Our advice: If you’re interested in starting a career as a Barista, it’s a good idea to gain some relevant experience in hospitality. Whether it’s working part-time at a cafe, pub, or restaurant, or carrying out temp work at an event or wedding, you’ll be able to d evelop your customer service skills and prove your suitability to employers. Knowing the difference between an Americano and an Affogato may also help. View all Barista jobsHow to become a Barista Bus Driver What they do: A Bus Driver transports people between a variety of places at all hours of the day from early mornings to late nights. Some drive regular routes, whilst others transport passengers on chartered trips or sightseeing tours. As the early morning rush can see an influx of daily commuters, Bus Drivers with a knack for waking up early are particularly in demand.  What you need: Aside from a full UK driving licence (held for a minimum of two years with no more than 6 penalty points), you’ll also need to gain a Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) license and a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). Excellent driving skills and road knowledge is also a must, along with a friendly and assertive attitude. What you can earn: The average salary for a Bus Driver i s around £24,000. Perfect for: People who never get road rage. Our advice: Bus Drivers could work in various fields, whether it’s driving school children or hospital patients, working for a holiday tour company (in the UK or abroad), or driving buses around your local community. Once you’ve figured out which route suits you best, you’ll be able to broaden your skill set accordingly. For example, knowledge of your local area will be particularly beneficial for community Bus Drivers, whilst school Bus Drivers will benefit from any prior experience working with children. View all Bus Driver jobsHow to become a Bus Driver Postman/PostwomanWhat they do: Postmen/Postwomen sort letters and packages for delivery to homes and businesses. The early shift will start around 5am and will involve preparing and delivering the mail. What you need: You’ll need good time-keeping skills and the ability to keep to a delivery schedule. There are no set requirements, but it is useful to be profi cient at reading, writing and maths. An ability to deal with repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently, basic IT skills, and excellent communication and customer service skills are also essential.What you can earn: Your starting salary will be around £13,500 but with experience you could be earning up to £25,000 in a managerial position. You may also get paid extra for unsocial hours, driving duties and extra responsibilities.Perfect for: People who don’t mind repetition.Our advice: If you’re struggling to find work, ask to shadow your local Post Worker for a few days to see if the job is for you. It’s also possible to do  an apprenticeship with Royal Mail. Additionally,  physical fitness is essential, as delivery rounds (walks) can take 3 to 4 hours and youre likely to be carrying bags that can weigh up to 16kg.View all Postman/Postwoman jobsGym AttendantWhat they do: Gym Attendants are responsible for the overall setting up, maintenance, and cleaning of a gym. They may al so stock and organise supplies and equipment, and deal with general enquiries and bookings, both in person and on the phone. The morning shift starts early so that everything is ready in time for the pre-work exercisers.What you need: Educational requirements vary according to the gym, but the candidate will always need excellent customer service and communication skills, as well as a pro-active approach to work. Experience working in fitness is an advantage. What you can earn: Pay varies by location and facility type but usually averages at around   £17,000.Perfect for: People who aren’t afraid of exercise. Our advice: Working as a gym attendant is a great way to get a good deal on a membership and access to facilities and classes. It’s not always required, but will give you a good advantage if you have completed a first aid training course and have CPR certification. View all Gym jobsFarm Worker What they do: The type of work varies seasonally but involves anything from looki ng after and milking livestock to planting, tending and harvesting crops. As well as farming, Farm Workers are also responsible for  the maintenance and upkeep of the farm equipment and buildings. They’re expected to be up at sunrise working hard and outdoors. What you need: There aren’t any set requirements, but employers will prefer you to have some experience and an interest in farming. You will need to be physically fit and a driving licence is very useful. If you are interested in pursuing a career in farming you could consider a Level 3 Apprenticeship or Diploma in Agriculture, which will provide you with experience and a qualification. You could also take short courses in farming machinery care or farming management.What you can earn: You might expect to earn anywhere between £12,000 and £18,0000 per annum, rising to over £23,000 as you increase your skills and experience and take on more responsibilities.Perfect for: People who aren’t afraid of weather.Our advice: Skilled workers are in high demand, so the more qualifications and experience you can gain, the better your career prospects. It may also be useful to gain experience in anything agricultural, whether it’s gardening or working with animals. View all Farm Worker jobsHonourable mentions: Supermarket Stocker, Morning News Presenter, Taxi Driver, Truck Driver, Flight Attendant, Pilot.Still searching for your perfect position? View all available jobs now